The first installation of “True Stories from the COVID-19 Crisis”
At the end of April, we asked folks to send us true stories (along with essays, illustrations, poetry, and so on) from the COVID-19 pandemic. This first installment of “Living Through Science Fiction: True Stories from the COVID-19 Crisis” features non-fiction writing that speaks to the unusual—but not necessarily unfamiliar to sci-fi buffs—crisis we find ourselves in.
Below, Harris Coverley compares his own pandemic fiction with our shared pandemic reality.
Kyle Tinga describes a life cut into pieces by the invisible barriers we put up during COVID isolation.
Rachel Megan Barker struggles with the disconnect between impersonal mortality data and our own capacity for empathy.
Anna Catalano hits back at the notion that creatives “need” to be productive during this crisis.
And, finally, an anonymous contributor shares a high school graduation speech with us, for a graduation that won’t be happening as planned.
Monitor this space for additional dispatches from COVID World or use the form below to get the next installment sent straight to your inbox. And, if you can, write in with your own perspective and tell us about your experience in this singular time. We’d love to hear what you have to say.
In the meantime—stay safe, friends.
— Letter from the Editor | Sean Clancy, Editor-in-Chief