"Midnight Monk"

Submitted by Anonymous

In quarantine, I listen to more music, have more sex, and worry less. It’s all good until I find out a family member with a heart condition and chemical dependencies has the coronavirus. Then he’s okay and I’m okay, if I don’t read the news. 

Then a friend going through cancer treatment gets the coronavirus. But he pulls through too, and I remember that’s how it goes for most people. And I’m okay again, if I don’t read the news, if I play enough video games, if I’m smoking weed, when I’m working on something. 

Until I’m not okay again. And so I take life at home as it comes, alone like a monk in the middle of the night.


In our second installation of “Living Through Science Fiction: True Stories from the COVID-19 Crisis”, Planet Scumm tackles the feeling of isolation that runs through day-to-day existence.

IsolationPlanet ScummAnonymous